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The Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) is an experiment located deep underground at Gran Sasso National Laboratories (LNGS).

Nature dedica la copertina a T2K

CMS Physics Object School@Bari


CMS Physics Object School will be held from 4th to 8th September 2017 in Bari. It is a school designed to help CMS physicists to handle reconstructed physics objects and detector performance quantities, and thereby to participate in significant ways in any physics analysis.

It consists of two days of short exercises about detector performance quantities for local reconstruction and two/three days of long exercises about physics objects analysis including details about the global reconstruction, identification and further processing of them for the best signal to background discrimination tunings. 

In particular the short exercises include studies about the performance of the tracker, calorimeters and muon detectors while teams working on muons, electrons, photons, tracks, jets, b-tagging, missing energy and particle flow will be organized for the long exercises. The implications of the correct handling of  physics objects for selected physics analyses is explained. A demonstration for one of the most important CMS physics analyses will be performed.

The school is a fundamental step for training new people doing activities in the official DPG and POG groups as a basis for a solid and reliable physics analysis.
Students will learn how to strongly link the notions about the CMS detector and the physics objects to the physics analysis.
Both the short and long exercises are designed and facilitated by teams of 2-3 CMS experts.
A prize will be assigned for the "Best Physics Object Team" at the end of the school.

This first edition of the CMSPOS will be hosted in Bari at the Physics Department of the University, Politecnico and INFN in the University Campus.