Professor: Alexis Pompili
(University of Bari Aldo Moro & I.N.F.N.-Bari)
Mini-course / 24-28 April 2023 / UOI Department of Physics
Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility (funds by TUCEP)
This mini-course is an introduction to the statistical data analysis in (sub)nuclear physics.
It cannot be, of course, an all-encompassing course, but concepts are introduced
and used coherently and some selected topics are treated in a detailed way.
For this reason the mini-course is addressed not only to Master students
and students that are doing a research thesis in HEP but also to Ph.D. students.
Local organizers: I.Papadopoulos & K.Foudas
Suggested textbooks for the theoretical part of the course (where it is possible to find useful material to deepen subjects introduced in the course) :
- G.Cowan (edition 1998)
- L.Lista (Springer Ed., edition 2020)(available only to the students following the course upon request)
- W.J.Metzger (edition 2010)
Credits go to G.Cowan, F.James, L.Lista, W.Verkerke whose slides and presentations (available on the web)
have inspired me while producing the teaching material of this mini-course.
Final Agenda
(material is being improved thus subjected to variations / work-in-progress)
- Monday 24 / 15.30 - 17.30 : theory/seminar (Slides hours_1-2.png)
- Tuesday 25 / 13.00 - 16.00 : 1 hour seminar + 2 hours hands-on)
- Wednesday 26 / 9.00- 11.00 : theory/seminar
- Wednesday 26 / 13.00 - 15.00 - 15.00 : hands-on
- Thursday 27/ 14.00 - 17.00 : 1 hour seminar (Slides-hour 6) + 2 hours hands-on (Material)
- Friday 28 - morning : 10.00 - 12.00 theory/seminar
- Friday 28 - afternoon : 15.00- 17.00 hands-on,
In total, the mini-course consists of 16 hours (8 hours for seminars + 8 hours for hands-on activities)
Instructions to connect to the server dedicated to the mini-course will be provided by I.Papadopoulos
Copyright: all the material of this course could be used only under permission of the author (pompili AT and with proper acknowledgment.