Status of the flavour anomalies
- Title:
- Status of the flavour anomalies
- When:
- Tue, 17. December 2019, 16:00 - 18:00
- Where:
- Bari,
- Category:
- Seminari
Martedi 17 dicembre, alle 16 in aula multimediale, il prof. Andreas Crivellin del PSI di Zurigo terra' un seminario dal titolo: "Status of flavour anomalies" Abstract: In the last years very intriguing hints for New Physics (NP) in the flavour sector were accumulated. In particular, deviations from the Standard Model predictions in semi-leptonic B decays were discovered, pointing strongly towards the violating of lepton flavour universality (LFU). These hints for NP could be related to the long standing discrepancy in the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (and the electron) which also measures LFU violation. Furthermore, there are interesting tensions in direct CP violating observables in meson decays, i.e. epsilon'/epsilon, B->Kpi (and D decays). Even though these observables are not directly related to LFU violating, they could be correlated in a UV complete model.After reviewing the current experimental und theoretical situation, I will discuss possible NP models which can explain the anomalies. As it turns out, leptoquarks are prime candidates for such an explanation und I will present some interesting UV completions, including one based on the famous Pati-Salam gauge group.
- Location:
- Aula Multimediale
- Street:
- Primo piano
- ZIP:
- 70125
- City:
- Bari
- Country:
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