Ghost imaging with x-rays


Ghost imaging with x-rays
Fri, 19. January 2018, 10:00 - 12:00


Il prof. Sharon Shwartz, del Physics Department and Institute of Nanotechnology (Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan, Israele), terrà un seminario dal titolo "Ghost imaging with x-rays". Il personale docente, i giovani ricercatori, dottorandi e assegnisti e studenti sono invitati.

ABSTRACT: In my talk I will review the recent progress in x-ray Ghost imaging (GI) and discuss the future opportunities and the possible developments in this field. GI has been studied intensively in the optical regime [1]. In essence, the method relies on the measurement of spatial correlations between two beams.

The origin of the correlations can be either quantum by using correlated photon pairs or by using incoherent fluctuations in an input beam that is spilt by a beam splitter. One of the beams propagates through the object and is detected by a single-pixel detector.

The second beam does not interact with the object and is detected by a multi-pixel detector. The image is reconstructed from coincidence measurements, which reflect the variations in the intensity correlations that the object introduces.

GI has attracted a great attention since at a first glance it seems to be counterintuitive and since it has been suggested that its applications can lead to a resolution which is better than the diffraction limit, it can be used for imaging with a small number of photons, it is stable against turbulence, and it can be used for imaging at wavelengths where lenses are absent. Recently, incoherent GI has been demonstrated with x- rays with synchrotron radiation first [2,3] and then with a laboratory source [4].

More recently, we have demonstrated GI with x-rays pairs, which are generated by the process of spontaneous parametric down – conversion [5].

This observation opens the possibility to observe quantum effects with x-rays.

[1] J. H. Shapiro and R. W. Boyd, Quantum Inf Process, 11, 949 (2012).

[2] D. Pelliccia, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 113902 (2016).

[3] H. Yu, et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 113901 (2016).

[4] A. Schori and S. Shwartz Opt. Express, 25, 14822 (2017).

[5] A. Schori, D. Borodin, K. Tamasaku, and S. Shwartz, submitted.


Aula Beppe Nardulli (Aula A)
