The effects due to hadronization in the inclusive tau lepton decay
- Title:
- The effects due to hadronization in the inclusive tau lepton decay
- When:
- Tue, 13. September 2011, 16:00 - 17:00
- Where:
- Bari,
- Category:
- Seminari
The hadronic decay of tau lepton provides an excellent opportunity to test the nonperturbative aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics and furnishes stringent constraints on possible New Physics beyond the Standard Model.
Theoretical description of inclusive tau lepton hadronic decay is performed in the framework of Dispersive approach to QCD.
The significance of effects due to hadronization is demonstrated. The developed approach provides nearly identical values of QCD scale parameter in vector and axial-vector channels.
Aula Multimediale INFNPersona di contatto:Fulvia De Fazio
Relatore:Dott. A.V. Nesterenko, Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
- Location:
- Aula Multimediale
- Street:
- Primo piano
- ZIP:
- 70125
- City:
- Bari
- Country:
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