CMS Data Analysis School


CMS Data Analysis School
Mon, 19. January 2015 - Fri, 23. January 2015


The CMS Data analysis school (CMSDAS) is the official school that CMS organize every year in US, in Europe and In Asia to train students, Ph.D and young post-docs for the physics analysis. It consists of two days of short exercises about physics objects reconstruction and identification and 3 days of long exercises about physics analysis in preparation for the Run2 data taking of the LHC. The school is a fundamental step for training new people and create the good network for people doing data analysis. Experts from CMS are expected to be invited together with high level coordinators. The school is open to everybody from CMS. This year the European edition will be hosted in Bari at the Physics Department of the University, Politecnico and INFN

Persona di contatto:Nicola De Filippis (Chair)