The Women who run the biggest machine ever built by Man
The complexity of LHC and the women in charge of it

La complessità di LHC in mano alle donne next

One language, one message

This exhibition features women scientists who are building a successful international career.

Dedicated to the Italian women scientists working on the greatest Physics project of all time (the LHC), the exhibition has been conceived by science journalist Elisabetta Durante for DISTI (District of Scientific and Technological Information for Innovation), a new institution created to promote the scientific culture. Sponsored by the National Seminar on Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics, the INFN and the Department of Physics of Bari, " The Women who run the biggest machine ever built by Man" is supported by MIUR (Ministero Istruzione, Università e Ricerca) and CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research).

The exhibition is travelling widely in Italy and in Europe, thanks to many public and private institution.

The pictures have been taken by Mike Struik ( CERN ), whose role has been fundamental, since Elisabetta Durante wished to have pictures from the specific working environment, located at 100 mt. in dephts under-earth, completely inaccessible to common people.

Paola Catapano and Manuela Cirilli ( CERN,) and Roberta Antolini (INFN) have collaborated.