Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope


Environmental Tests Pictures

Francesco G. working at the vibration base plate Silvia, Francesco G. and
Luisella Vigiani in front of the entrance of NASA-Ames
(Mountain View, February 2002)
Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) Thermal vacuum test of Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) (1)

Thermal vacuum test of Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) (2) Thermal vacuum test of Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) (3) Thermal vacuum test of Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) (4) Thermal vacuum test of Tower A at Alenia-Rome (January 2005) (5)

Thermal vacuum test team (1) Thermal vacuum test team (2) Thermal vacuum test team (3) One night shift in Alenia

Thermal vacuum test team (4) Nicola Mazziotta working
in the clean room in Alenia
The end of Engeneering Model Tower vibration tests Fabio and Andrea in the thermal vacuum chamber in Alenia (2005)

Francesco L. durig a shift Thermal vacuum team in front of the thermal vacuum chamber Working in the thermal
vacuum chamber
The end of Thermal
vacuum tests

Silvia and Jack Goodman Nicola Mazziotta and Brett Pugh Francesco L. and others
durig a shift
Andrea, Francesco G., Fabio, Francesco L. working
with Tom McCarthy

GLAST NASA Home page

NASA's GLAST mission is an astrophysics and particle physics partnership, developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy, along with important contributions from academic institutions and partners in France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden, and the United States.