The Women who run the biggest machine ever built by Man
The complexity of LHC and the women in charge of it

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... is associate professor at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome, where she leads the team working on the ATLAS experiment. Involving 7000 tons of equipment and 100 million electronic channels, the LHC is a massive 46 m long and 25 m tall. Anna has worked on the design, construction, commissioning and installation of the detectors that signal the presence of a muon in the apparatus, just a few nanoseconds after its passage. Anna is a member of the ATLAS Speakers Committee, commissioned with selecting the speakers to represent ATLAS at international conferences.

"When I get asked if I believe in a future European Union for research, I reply that I already live in it! I married a German physicist who works for a German University and I have a twin sister who is a physicist at a French University, and a brother-in-law who is also a physicist and works at CERN..."