Dip. Interateneo di Fisica

Università di Bari

Dip. di Matematica e Fisica

Università del Salento

NOW 2016

Neutrino Oscillation Workshop

NOW 2016

(Basiliani Resort, Otranto, 4-11 September 2016)


The Conference Fee is 400 Euro for each participant (including speakers).


There is no fee for accompanying persons.


Important notice: Italian participants coming with INFN funds must also individually pay the fee (and should not ask to transfer it via INFN Sections), since the Workshop administration is not managed directly by INFN, but by the "Comitato PHYS2016".


The fee can be paid in one of the following two ways:

1) Highly preferred way: by Bank Transfer - only before August 23. In this case, you should transfer a net amount of 400 Euros (with transfer expenses on your side) to:




Bank and Agency coordinates:
Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata

Branch of Bari - Corso Cavour 36/44, 70121 Bari

Account number: 01/109/06673756

IBAN:  IT61 E053 8504 0000 0000 6673 756



Description of payment:
"NOW 2016 Conference Fee by Your Name+Surname".


You should also send us (now2016@ba.infn.it) a scanned copy of your bank transfer document (before August 23).


2) Alternative (discouraged) way: Cash, in Euros, at the registration desk upon arrival. In this case, you are advised to prepare your cash (400 Euro) in advance, since is not easy to change money in Otranto, and we expect the exchange rates to be not so convenient. [Important note: Payments by credit cards or checks are not allowed.]


After payment (by bank transfer or cash), you will receive a receipt for the Fee at the registration desk upon arrival.



Additional information about "COMITATO PHYS2016", if needed:


Fiscal Code/VAT Number (Codice Fiscale/P.IVA):

C.F.: 93466690729


Mailing and legal address:


To the Attention of

Dr. Pietro Colangelo (President)

Dr. Eligio Lisi (vice President)


Dipartimento di Fisica

Via Amendola n. 173

70126 Bari - Italy