Ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions - a hot cocktail of hydrodynamics, resonances and jets
- Titolo:
- Ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions - a hot cocktail of hydrodynamics, resonances and jets
- Quando:
- Gio, 18. Dicembre 2014, 10:00 - 12:00
- Dove:
- Bari,
- Categoria:
- Seminari
The simulations of upgraded HYDJET++ Monte Carlo model
are compared with spectra, femtoscopic and azimuthal correlations,
low and high anisotropic flow harmonics obtained in ALICE, ATLAS and
CMS experiments at 2.86 ATeV.
The newest results on v2 and v3 quark scaling and ridge at RHIC and
LHC energies will be also discussed.
HYDJET++ is the first Monte Carlo model which considered the combination
between HYDRO and JET quenching for description of relativistic heavy ion
collisions. It is the official MC code used by ATLAS and CMS experiments.
Recent results with emphasis on high flow harmonics and modification of the
code in this direction were published in
1. Angular dihadron correlations as interplay of elliptic and triangular flow
G. Eyyubova et al, e-Print: arXiv:1411.4487, submitted to PLB
2. Higher harmonics of azimuthal anisotropy in relativistic heavy ion
collisions in HYDJET++ model
L.V. Bravina et al, Eur.Phys.J. C74 (2014) 3, 2807
3. Hexagonal flow v6 as a superposition of elliptic v2 and triangular v3 flows
L.V. Bravina et al Phys.Rev. C89 (2014) 024909
Persona di contatto:Giuseppe Bruno Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
Relatore:Larissa Bravina (University of Oslo, Norway)
- Location:
- Aula Multimediale
- Via:
- Primo piano
- CAP:
- 70125
- Città:
- Bari
- Nazione:
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