About Me
Ph.D. in Physics 1987 (Univ. of Bari (Italy), advisor G. Preparata)
M.Sc. in Physics 1982 (Univ. of Bari (Italy), advisor G. Preparata)
Research Interests:
Lattice QCD, Quantum Computing
List of publications on InspireHep
Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the theory which describes the interactions
of quarks and gluons and how they bind together to form the hadrons we see in experiments.
The study of many aspects of QCD needs a non-perturbative approach: Lattice QCD allows
to address many of these aspects from first principles. My research subjects are related
to the investigation of the QCD vacuum state and the QCD phase diagram, with a particular
emphasis to the dynamics of color confinement-deconfinement mechanism.
In recent years the study of the curvature of the QCD phase diagram
at finite temperature and chemical potential has been addressed [see here and references therein ],
as well the study of flux tube configurations produced
by a quark-antiquark pair in QCD [see here and references therein].
INFN - Sezione di Bari
Via E. Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari - Italy