I love quotes. I've been collecting quotes since when I was a kid. I manage to get them anywhere: in books, in newspapers, at train stations, in public restrooms.

Don't trust my sources. I could have made up my quotes myself and then attributed them to someone famous, just for the sake of fun (or maybe I think they're original, but they aren't... which means I've been fooled myself. That's part of the game).

Many quotations are given in languages other than English, and are not translated. I often find quotes impossible to translate. Someone said "poetry is what is lost in translation."

I often steal quotes. Two very interesting homepages where I steal quotes are Michael Berry's and Francesco Baldessari's. 

My quotes change according to my mood and time. Take note.

BTW, here's a cute excerpt I found in Francesco Baldessari's homepage:

In the words of the Archbishop of Paris (sorry, I don't remember his name).

"I was once twenty, and I won't let anybody say that is the best time in a man's life."

To save myself trouble and keep myself open to a possible future understanding of life, I therefore always keep in mind Bob Dylan's wise words:

"Don't criticize what you don't understand".

I just wish I could always realize when I have not understood, Bob.

Let me add that it is very difficult to realize what one has not understood and almost impossible (by definition, I would say) to realize when one has not understood.