Vibration Tests on flight TKR Trays

in Centrotecnica s.a.s. (Milan)


Summary Table

Tray ID Vibe Date BEFORE Random AFTER Random Dn/n (%) Notes

(red lines to be confirmed in the final report)

S/N P/N Type dd/mm/yyyy n (Hz) Q n (Hz) Q
007 LAT-DS-00180 MID 11/05/2004 880 56,8 880 55,7 0,0 Air bubble found in the centre of the kapton foil, bottom side. NCR/FM/INFN/BA/002

Tray vibrated with the protective veil

010 LAT-DS-00180 MID 11/05/2004 929 29,7 929 31,4 0,0 Tray vibrated with protective veil
011 LAT-DS-00180 MID 11/05/2004 929 47,8       Tray vibrated with protective veil

First Low Level with fixture GLAST1: the run aborted due to fixture response overcoming abort levels: NCR/FM/INFN/BA/001

Tray re-vibrated on fixture GLAST2

The low Q value during the first Low Level Signature Sweep with fixture 2 can be explained by the presence of the protective veil not perfectly attached to the kapton foil.  

929 36,9 929 47,9 0,0
017 LAT-DS-00180 MID 11/05/2004 929 41,6 929 42,2 0,0 Tray vibrated with protective veil
015 LAT-DS-00180 MID 19/05/2004 930 43,2 930 44,1 0,0 Protective veil removed before vibration test.

Visual inspection: one close-out not perfectly machined and very slight scratch in the kapton foil (pictures 1,2,3)

008 LAT-DS-00180 MID 19/05/2004 913 55,6 913 55,2 0,0 Protective veil removed before vibration test.

Visual inspection after test: a slight scratch in the kapton foil (picture)

006 LAT-DS-00180 MID 19/05/2004 889 37,4 881 37,1 -0,9 Protective veil removed before vibration test.
012 LAT-DS-00180 MID 14/07/2004 929.7 39.5 929.7 36.3 0.0            "                "                  "
009 LAT-DS-00747 HEAVY 14/07/2004 735.5 81.7 735.5 84.3 0.0          "                "                  "
008 LAT-DS-00747 HEAVY 14/07/2004 690.5 75.7 690.5 76.2 0.0          "                "                  "
004 LAT-DS-00180 MID 14/07/2004 904.9 46.4 913.1 46.5 0.9          "                "                  "
002 LAT-DS-00051 BOTTOM 04/08/2004 1472.2   1459.0   -0.9          "                "                  "
046 LAT-DS-00180 MID 04/08/2004 888.8 45.6 888.8 47.0 0.0          "                "                  "
047 LAT-DS-00180 MID 05/08/2004 896.8 51.2 896.8 50.0 0.0          "                "                  "
048 LAT-DS-00180 MID 05/08/2004 880.8 47.4 880.8 47.1 0.0          "                "                  "
023 LAT-DS-00181 MID w/o Converter 05/08/2004 1207.4 15.4 1207.4 18.1 0.0          "                "                  "
015 LAT-DS-00181 MID w/o Converter 05/08/2004 1133.6 20.2 1143.9 22.3 0.9          "                "                  "
035 LAT-DS-00747 HEAVY 05/08/2004 735.5 63.0 735.5 65.7 0.0          "                "                  "
011 LAT-DS-00747 HEAVY 05/08/2004 678.2 65.1 678.2 62.7 0.0          "                "                  "
001 LAT-DS-00764 TOP 06/08/2004 790.5 42.6 790.5 41.7 0.0          "                "                  "

Click on the trays serial numbers (S/N) to look at the test responses along z.


Data (zipped files)

Set01 (S/N 007, 010, 011, 017)

Set02 (S/N 006, 008, 015)


Documentation and notes

Vibration Test Plan & Procedure LAT-TD-00154-02

Summary table from Centrotecnica



First NEW Bottom Tray

Vibration data (Monday 14th June)