Tower A
Thermal-vacuum Test
TV Test Report LAT-TD-05494, released on December 23rd 2004
IGS Pictures (*.zip)
Thermal-Vacuum Test Procedure LAT-TD-05311 (pdf)
MGSE Test Set-up:
3D Models
- Base Plate (BP) used for the EM TV test:
Base plate on the chamber rails
The whole set-up: tower, base plate and TEM
- Outer Guard Shield (OGS) used for the EM TV test:
- Inner Guard Shield (IGS) NEW hardware for Tower A:
The Frame (fig1): the base is thermal connected to the BP by means of 11 screws for each side
Outer view (fig2): 2mm thick AL lateral sidewalls and a top plane are screwed on the frame.
The Thermal Joint (fig3): the base of the frame consists of 4 S-shaped sides, connected to the BP.
There are also holes for the sidewalls and at each corner the clearance
for the vertical L-shaped frame
The upper part of the frame without the base (fig4): the vertical corners attached to the top of the frame.
Exploded view of the IGS mounted around the tower (fig5). In orange the tower grid simulator.
- Base plate/OGS/Rail/TEM (drwg1, drwg2)
- IGS (drwg3)
EGSE schematics (pdf)
Heaters schematics (pdf)
IN/OT Pin Connections (pdf)
Step-by-step procedure (pdf)
Power evaluation (pdf)
Test Log (pdf)