M.V. Carlucci, F. Giannuzzi, G. Nardulli, M. Pellicoro, and S. Stramaglia.
Ads-qcd quark-antiquark potential, meson spectrum and tetraquarks.
European Physical Journal C, 57(3):569--578, 2008.
[ DOI ]
H. Abuki, R. Anglani, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Chiral crossover, deconfinement, and quarkyonic matter within a
nambu-jona-lasinio model with the polyakov loop.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 78(3):034034, 2008.
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H. Abuki, M. Ciminale, R. Gatto, N.D. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Electrical neutrality and pion modes in the two flavor
polyakov-nambu-jona- lasinio model.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 78(1):014002, 2008.
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H. Abuki, M. Ciminale, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Enforced neutrality and color-flavor unlocking in the three-flavor
polyakov-loop nambu-jona-lasinio model.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 77(7):074018, 2008.
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M. Ciminale, R. Gatto, N.D. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Three flavor nambu-jona-lasinio model with polyakov loop and
competition with nuclear matter.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 77(5):054023, 2008.
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G. Nardulli.
Recent results in color superconductivity.
Proceedings of the Conference on Continuous Advances in QCD
2006, pages 229--234, 2007.
G. Nardulli.
Introduction to color superconductivity.
Proceedings of the International School of Physics "Enrico
Fermi", 164:797--815, 2007.
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M. Ciminale, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Polyakov loop and the color-flavor locked phase of quantum
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 657(1-3):64--68, 2007.
[ DOI ]
V. Laporta, G. Nardulli, and T.N. Pham.
Erratum: Nonleptonic b decays to axial-vector mesons and
factorization (physical review d - particles, fields, gravitation and
cosmology (2006) 74, (054035)).
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 76(7):079903, 2007.
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R. Anglani, R. Gatto, N.D. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Superfluid and pseudo-goldstone modes in three flavor crystalline
color superconductivity.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 76(5):054007, 2007.
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F. Giannuzzi, D. Marinazzo, G. Nardulli, M. Pellicoro, and S. Stramaglia.
Phase diagram of a generalized winfree model.
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter
Physics, 75(5):051104, 2007.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Qcd, new physics and experiment.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 892:143--148, 2007.
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N.D. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Self-consistent evaluation of quark masses in three flavor
crystalline color superconductivity.
Journal of High Energy Physics, 2007(4):036, 2007.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, D. Creanza, F. De Fazio, R. Fini, E. Nappi, and G. Nardulli.
Proceedings, 4th international workshop on qcd - theory and
experiment (qcd@work 2007).
AIP Conference Proceedings, 964:1--360, 2007.
R. Casalbuoni, M. Ciminale, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Influence of finite quark chemical potentials on the three flavor
loff phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 642(4):350--357, 2006.
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R. Anglani, G. Nardulli, M. Ruggieri, and M. Mannarelli.
Neutrino emission from compact stars and inhomogeneous color
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 74(7):074005, 2006.
[ DOI ]
V. Laporta, G. Nardulli, and T.N. Pham.
Nonleptonic b decays to axial-vector mesons and factorization.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 74(5):054035, 2006.
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M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Evaluating the phase diagram of superconductors with asymmetric spin
Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics,
74(3):033606, 2006.
[ DOI ]
A. Deandrea, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, V. Laporta, and P. Santorelli.
Role of final state interactions in the b meson decay into two pions.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 21(22):4425--4437,
[ DOI ]
M. Ciminale, G. Nardulli, M. Ruggieri, and R. Gatto.
Chromomagnetic stability of the three flavor
larkin-ovchinnikov-fulde-ferrell phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 636(6):317--323, 2006.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, N. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Erratum: Ginzburg-landau approach to the three flavor loff phase of
qcd (physics letters b (2005) 627 (89) doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2005.08.123).
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 634(5-6):565--566, 2006.
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P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and D. Zappalà.
Indications of a pseudogap in the nambu jona-lasinio model.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 806:286--292, 2006.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, E. Nappi, and G. Nardulli.
Proceedings, 3rd international workshop on qcd - theory and
experiment (qcd@work 2005).
AIP Conference Proceedings, 806:1--329, 2006.
A. Deandrea, M. Ladisa, V. Laporta, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
Final state interactions in the b meson decay into two pions.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 806:197--202, 2006.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Larkin-ovchinnikov-fulde-ferrell phases in qcd.
Ser. Adv. Quant. Many Body Theor., 8:37--62, 2006.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, N. Ippolito, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Ginzburg-landau approach to the three flavor loff phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 627(1-4):89--96, 2005.
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P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and D. Zappalà.
Nambu-jona-lasinio model of q̄q bose-einstein condensation and a
pseudogap phase.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 72(7):076006, 2005.
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G. Nardulli and T.N. Pham.
B → k1γ and tests of factorization for two-body non-leptonic b
decays with axial-vector mesons.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 623(1-2):65--72, 2005.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Erratum: Meissner masses in the gcfl phase of qcd (physics letters b
(2005) 605 (362) doi: 10.1016/j.physletb.2004.11.045).
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 615(3-4):297, 2005.
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G. Nardulli.
Qcd, hadrons and beyond.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 756:228--235, 2005.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Meissner masses in the gcfl phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 605(3-4):362--368, 2005.
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M. Ladisa, V. Laporta, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
Final-state interactions for b → vv charmless decays.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 70(11):114025, 2004.
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni and G. Nardulli.
Skyrmions and pentaquarks in the quark-hadron continuity perspective.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 602(3-4):205--211, 2004.
[ DOI ]
L. Angelini, G. Nardulli, L. Nitti, M. Pellicoro, D. Perrino, and
S. Stramaglia.
Deterministic annealing as a jet clustering algorithm in hadronic
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 601(1-2):56--63, 2004.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Magnetic properties of the larkin-ovchinnikov-fulde-ferrell
superconducting phase.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 600(1-2):48--56, 2004.
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L. Angelini, M. De Tommaso, M. Guido, K. Hu, P.Ch Ivanov, D. Marinazzo,
G. Nardulli, L. Nitti, M. Pellicoro, C. Pierro, and S. Stramaglia.
Steady-state visual evoked potentials and phase synchronization in
migraine patients.
Physical Review Letters, 93(3):038103--1, 2004.
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L. Angelini, G. Lattanzi, R. Maestri, D. Marinazzo, G. Nardulli, L. Nitti,
M. Pellicoro, G.D. Pinna, and S. Stramaglia.
Phase shifts of synchronized oscillators and the systolic-diastolic
blood pressure relation.
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter
Physics, 69:061923, 2004.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, M. Ruggieri, and
S. Stramaglia.
Erratum: Quasi-particle specific heats for the crystalline color
superconducting phase of qcd (physics letters, section b: Nuclear, elementary
particle and high-energy physics (2003) 575 (181)).
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 582(3-4):288, 2004.
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R. Casalbuoni and G. Nardulli.
Inhomogeneous superconductivity in condensed matter and qcd.
Reviews of Modern Physics, 76(1):263--320, 2004.
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R. Casalbuoni, M. Ciminale, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, M. Ruggieri, and
R. Gatto.
Effective gap equation for the inhomogeneous
larkin-ovchinnikov-fulde- ferrel superconductive phase.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 70(5):054004, 2004.
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P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, R. A. Fini, E. Nappi, and G. Nardulli, editors.
Proceedings, 2nd International Workshop on QCD - Theory and
Experiment (QCD@Work 2003), 2004.
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M. Bedjidian et al.
Hard probes in heavy ion collisions at the lhc: Heavy flavor physics.
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A. Deandrea, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
Mass of the ds (0+,1 +) system.
Physical Review D, 68(9):097501, 2003.
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C. Isola, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
Charming penguin contributions in b→k*π, k(ρ,ω, φ) decays.
Physical Review D, 68(11):114001, 2003.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Aspects of the color flavor locking phase of qcd in the
nambu-jona-lasinio approximation.
Physical Review D, 68(3):034024, 2003.
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A. Deandrea, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
J/ψ couplings to charmed resonances and to π.
Physical Review D, 68(3):034002, 2003.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, M. Ruggieri, and
S. Stramaglia.
Quasi-particle specific heats for the crystalline color
superconducting phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 575(3-4):181--189, 2003.
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R. Casalbuoni, E. Fabiano, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, and G. Nardulli.
Phonons and gluons in the crystalline color superconducting phase of
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 66(9):094006, 2002.
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R. Casalbuoni, F. De Fazio, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and M. Ruggieri.
Massive quark effects in two flavor color superconductors.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 547(3-4):229--238, 2002.
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L. Angelini, P. De Felice, M. Maggi, G. Nardulli, L. Nitti, M. Pellicoro, and
S. Stramaglia.
Jet analysis by deterministic annealing.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 545(3-4):315--322, 2002.
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G. Nardulli.
Effective description of qcd at very high densities.
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 25(3), 2002.
R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Crystalline color superconductivity: Effective lagrangian and phonon
dispersion law.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 543(1-2):139--146, 2002.
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C. Isola, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, T.N. Pham, and P. Santorelli.
Charming penguin contributions to charmless b decays into two
pseudoscalar mesons.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 65(9A):094005, 2002.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, and G. Nardulli.
Effective gluon interactions in the colour superconductive phase of
two flavor qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 524(1-2):144--152, 2002.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, and G. Nardulli.
Anisotropy parameters for the effective description of crystalline
color superconductors.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 66(1):014006, 2002.
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C. Isola, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, T.N. Pham, and P. Santorelli.
Charming penguin contributions to b→kπ.
Physical Review D, 64(1):014029, 2001.
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M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and S. Stramaglia.
Diluted neural networks with adapting and correlated synapses.
Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter
Physics, 64:052904, 2001.
R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Erratum: Dispersion laws for in-medium fermions and gluons in the cfl
phase of qcd (physics letters, section b: Nuclear, elementary particle (2001)
498 (179)).
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 517(3-4):483, 2001.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, M. Mannarelli, and G. Nardulli.
Effective field theory for the crystalline colour superconductive
phase of qcd.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 511(2-4):218--228, 2001.
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A. Deandrea, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, A.D. Polosa, and N.A. Törnqvist.
The ss̄ and kk̄ nature of f0(980) in ds decays.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 502(1-4):79--86, 2001.
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R. Casalbuoni, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Dispersion laws for in-medium fermions and gluons in the cfl phase of
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 498(3-4):179--188, 2001.
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C. Marangi, L. Angelini, F. De Carlo, G. Nardulli, M. Pellicoro, and
S. Stramaglia.
Clustering by inhomogeneous chaotic maps in landmine detection.
Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical
Engineering, 4170(1):122--132, 2001.
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D. Caroppo, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and S. Stramaglia.
Chaos in diluted networks with continuous neurons.
Modern Physics Letters B, 15(1):1--9, 2001.
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L. Angelini, F. De Carlo, C. Marangi, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, M. Pellicoro,
G. Satalino, and S. Stramaglia.
Chaotic neural network clustering: An application to landmine
detection by dynamic infrared imaging.
Optical Engineering, 40(12):2878--2884, 2001.
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P. Colangelo and G. Nardulli.
Proceedings, 1st international workshop on qcd - theory and
experiment (qcd@work 2001).
AIP Conference Proceedings, 602:1--373, 2001.
A. Deandrea, R. Gatto, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
B and bs decays into three pseudoscalar mesons and the determination
of the angle γ of the unitarity triangle.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 62(11):114011, 2000.
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R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, A.D. Polosa, and N.A. Törnqvist.
Predicting d → σ π.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 494(1-2):168--174, 2000.
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A. Deandrea, R. Gatto, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
Measuring b→ρπ decays and the unitarity angle α.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 62(3):036001, 2000.
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
B meson transitions into higher mass charmed resonances.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 478(4):408--416, 2000.
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A. Deandra, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
Semileptonic b→π decay in a constituent quark-meson model.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 61(1):017502, 2000.
M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, T.N. Pham, and P. Santorelli.
B → π π l v (l) decays in a qcd relativistic potential model.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 471(1):81--88, 1999.
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A. Deandrea, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
Couplings of pions to higher positive parity heavy mesons.
Journal of High Energy Physics, (2):021, 1999.
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M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and S. Stramaglia.
Cottingham formula and the pion electromagnetic mass difference at
finite temperature.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 465(1-4):241--248, 1999.
M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and P. Santorelli.
Semileptonic and rare b meson decays into a light pseudoscalar meson.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 455(1-4):283--290, 1999.
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, P. Santorelli, and
A. Tricarico.
Semileptonic and rare b-meson transitions in a qcd relativistic
potential model.
European Physical Journal C, 8(1):81--90, 1999.
G. Viesti, M. Cinausero, N. Cufaro-Petroni, G. D'Erasmo, D. Fabris,
E. Fioretto, R. Fonte, M. Lunardon, I. Lazzizzera, G. Nardelli, G. Nardulli,
G. Nebbia, M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, L. Pappalardo, S. Pesente, P. Prati,
G. Prete, S. Reito, A. Sartori, G. Tecchiolli, S. Zavatarelli, and
V. Filippini.
The explodet project: Advanced nuclear techniques for humanitarian
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A:
Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
422(1-3):918--921, 1999.
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P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, G. Nardulli, N. Paver, and Riazuddin.
Analysis of the three-body b→d+d-π0 decay.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 60(3):033002, 1999.
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P. Colangelo, L. Iorio, and G. Nardulli.
Reducing the experimental uncertainty on the ckm angle α.
Modern Physics Letters A, 14(22):1461--1477, 1999.
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A. Deandrea, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
Semileptonic b→ρ and b→a1 transitions in a quark-meson model.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 59(7):1--11, 1999.
D. Caroppo, M. Mannarelli, G. Nardulli, and S. Stramaglia.
Chaos in neural networks with a nonmonotonic transfer function.
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and
Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 60(2):2186--2192, 1999.
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G. Nebbia, G. Viesti, M. Cinausero, N. Cufaro-Petroni, G. D'Erasmo, D. Fabris,
E. Fioretto, R. Fonte, M. Lunardon, I. Lazzizzera, G. Nardelli, G. Nardulli,
M. Palomba, A. Pantaleo, and L. Pappalardo.
Advanced nuclear techniques for humanitarian demining.
IEE Conference Publication, (458):157--158, 1998.
A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, G. Nardulli, and A.D. Polosa.
Constituent quark-meson model for heavy-meson processes.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 58(3):034004, 1998.
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P. Colangelo, M. Ladisa, G. Nardulli, and T.N. Pham.
Electromagnetic mass difference of heavy mesons.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 416(1-2):208--215, 1998.
G. Lattanzi, G. Nardulli, and S. Stramaglia.
A neural network with permanent and volatile memory.
Modern Physics Letters B, 11(24):1037--1045, 1997.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, C.A. Dominguez, and G. Nardulli.
Violations of local duality in the heavy quark sector.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 409(1-4):417--424, 1997.
T. Maggipinto, G. Nardulli, S. Dusini, F. Ferrari, I. Lazzizzera, A. Sidoti,
A. Sartori, and G.P. Tecchiolli.
Role of neural networks in the search of the higgs boson at lhc.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 409(1-4):517--522, 1997.
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
On the qcd sum rule determination of the strange quark mass.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 408(1-4):340--346, 1997.
[ DOI ]
A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Non-leptonic heavy-hadron decays and local duality.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 398(3-4):353--360, 1997.
S. Dusini, F. Ferrari, I. Lazzizzera, G. Nardulli, A. Sartori, and
G. Tecchiolli.
Performance of the totem neurochip in higgs search.
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A:
Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment,
389(1-2):201--203, 1997.
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G. Nardulli and T.N. Pham.
Final state interactions in b → dρ and b → d*π decays.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 391(1-2):165--171, 1997.
G. Lattanzi, G. Nardulli, G. Pasquariello, and S. Stramaglia.
Stochastic learning in a neural network with adapting synapses.
Physical Review E - Statistical Physics, Plasmas, Fluids, and
Related Interdisciplinary Topics, 56(4):4567--4573, 1997.
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Phenomenology of heavy meson chiral lagrangians.
Physics Report, 281(3):145--238, 1997.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
On the decay mode b- → μ-ν̄μγ.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 386(1-4):328--334, 1996.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
Leptonic constant from b meson radiative decay.
Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and
High-Energy Physics, 372(3-4):331--338, 1996.
[ DOI ]
A. Lamura, C. Marangi, and G. Nardulli.
Replica symmetry breaking in neural networks with non-monotone
activation function.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 7(1):19--32, 1996.
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P. Colangelo, G. Corcella, and G. Nardulli.
Upsilon (4s) --> b0 anti-b0 gamma background at b factories.
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 54(1):1212--1214, 1996.
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P. Colangelo, C.A. Dominguez, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
On the b quark kinetic energy in lambda(b).
Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and
Cosmology, 54(7):4622--4628, 1996.
[ DOI ]
R. Gatto and G. Nardulli.
Flavour symmetries and b decays into a light vector meson.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 108(11):1391--1398, 1995.
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P. De Felice, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Jet analysis by neural networks in high energy hadron-hadron
Physics Letters B, 354(3-4):473--480, 1995.
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N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and G. Nardulli.
Heavy meson hyperfine splitting: a complete 1 mq calculation.
Physics Letters B, 347(3-4):405--412, 1995.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, G. Nardulli, N. Di Bartolomeo, and R. Gatto.
Strong coupling of excited heavy mesons.
Physical Review D, 52(11):6422--6434, 1995.
[ DOI ]
P. De Felice, C. Marangi, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Dynamical phase transitions in the little-hopfield model.
Journal of Physics A: General Physics, 27(12):4115--4124, 1994.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, and
F. Feruglio.
On the coupling of heavy mesons to pions in qcd.
Physics Letters B, 339(1-2):151--159, 1994.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
D* radiative decays and strong coupling of heavy mesons with soft
pions in a qcd relativistic potential model.
Physics Letters B, 334(1-2):175--179, 1994.
[ DOI ]
P. Chiappetta, P. Colangelo, P. De Felice, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Higgs search by neural networks at lhc.
Physics Letters B, 322(3):219--223, 1994.
[ DOI ]
A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolome, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and G. Nardulli.
Penguin contributions to rates and cp asymmetries in non-leptonic
b-decays possible experimental procedures and estimates.
Physics Letters B, 320(1-2):170--180, 1994.
[ DOI ]
P. Blasi, P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Phenomenology of bs decays.
Physical Review D, 49(1):238--246, 1994.
[ DOI ]
A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Two body non-leptonic decays of b and bs mesons.
Physics Letters B, 318(3):549--558, 1993.
[ DOI ]
P. Chiappetta, P. Colangelo, J.-P. Guillet, and G. Nardulli.
Hadronic colliders as probes of the proton spin structure.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 59(4):629--639,
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, C.A. Dominguez, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Radiative b → k*γ transition in qcd.
Physics Letters B, 317(1-2):183--189, 1993.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
Radiative heavy meson transitions.
Physics Letters B, 316(4):555--560, 1993.
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, and G. Nardulli.
Effective lagrangian for heavy and light mesons. radiative b decays.
Physics Letters B, 312(3):315--326, 1993.
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G. Nardulli.
Theory review of cp violations in b decays at hadron colliders.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 333(1):3--11,
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A.K. Likhoded, S.R. Slabospitsky, M. Mangano, and G. Nardulli.
Bc physics at hadron colliders.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A,
333(1):209--212, 1993.
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R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Hadronic transitions among quarkonium states in a
soft-exchange-approximation. chiral breaking and spin symmetry breaking
Physics Letters B, 309(1-2):163--173, 1993.
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G. Marchesini, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Qcd coherence in tagging b jets by neural networks.
Nuclear Physics, Section B, 394(2):541--552, 1993.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, F. De Fazio, and G. Nardulli.
Study of the reactions b→d*ππ and b→d* ρ π.
Physics Letters B, 303(1-2):152--156, 1993.
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Effective lagrangian for quarkonia and light mesons in a
Physics Letters B, 302(1):95--102, 1993.
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Qcd sum rules calculation of bc decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 57(1):43--50,
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Effective lagrangian for heavy and light mesons. semileptonic decays.
Physics Letters B, 299(1-2):139--150, 1993.
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P. De Felice, C. Marangi, G. Nardulli, G. Pasquariello, and L. Tedesco.
Dynamics of neural networks with non-monotone activation function.
Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 4(1):1--9, 1993.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Theoretical approaches to b ---> k* gamma.
In Heavy Flavor Physics 1993:0341-346, pages 0341--346, 1993.
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Estimates with an effective chiral lagrangian for heavy mesons.
Physics Letters B, 294(1):106--109, 1992.
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Semileptonic b decays into charmed p-wave mesons and the heavy-quark
Physics Letters B, 293(1-2):207--215, 1992.
[ DOI ]
R. Casalbuoni, A. Deandrea, N. Di Bartolomeo, R. Gatto, F. Feruglio, and
G. Nardulli.
Light vector resonances in the effective chiral lagrangian for heavy
Physics Letters B, 292(3-4):371--376, 1992.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
β-decays for light and heavy quarks.
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 15(10):1--42, 1992.
[ DOI ]
R. Casallbuoni, P. Chiappetta, A. Deandrea, A. Fiandrino, R. Gatto,
G. Nardulli, and P. Taxil.
Beam polarization at lhc and ssc. expected asymmetries in the bess
model and comparison with other models.
Physics Letters B, 279(3-4):397--404, 1992.
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G. Nardulli.
B-meson semileptonic exclusive decays.
Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements), 27(C):47--57,
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M. Gusso, C. Marangi, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Dynamics of fully connected neural networks with sign constraints.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 3:1221--1233, 1992.
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G. Nardulli.
Testing a strong electroweak sector by polarized beams.
In Adriatico Research Conference on Polarization Dynamics in
Nuclear and Particle Physics Trieste, Italy, January 7-10, 1992, pages
396--403, 1992.
P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and L. Tedesco.
Charmed semileptonic b-meson exclusive decays in a relativistic
potential model.
Physics Letters B, 272(3-4):344--352, 1991.
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G. Nardulli and G. Pasquariello.
Domains of attraction of neural networks at finite temperature.
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General,
24(5):1103--1117, 1991.
[ DOI ]
W. Grimus and G. Nardulli.
Decaying dark matter and the zee model.
Physics Letters B, 271(1-2):161--164, 1991.
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, A.A. Ovchinnikov, and N. Paver.
Semileptonic b-decays into positive-parity charmed mesons.
Physics Letters B, 269(1-2):201--207, 1991.
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P. Chiappetta and G. Nardulli.
Jet production in polarized proton proton scattering.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 51(3):435--443,
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Neutral b→c non leptonic decays and their role in the search for
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 50(1):57--60,
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo and G. Nardulli.
Improved bound on wr mass in left-right symmetric models from k0k0
Physics Letters B, 253(1-2):154--160, 1991.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and M. Pietroni.
Relativistic bound-state effects in heavy-meson physics.
Physical Review D, 43(9):3002--3010, 1991.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Predictions for jets in polarized pp collisions from emc experiment.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 223:196--200, 1991.
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C. Marangi, G. Nardulli, and G. Pasquariello.
Dynamical properties of neural networks with correlated patterns.
International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2:773, 1991.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli and L. Tedesco.
Parity violating anomaly from the fokker-planck equation.
Modern Physics Letters A, 6:123--128, 1991.
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, N. Paver, and Riazuddin.
Long distance effects in b→s exclusive decays.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 45(4):575--580,
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
On d0-d0 mixing in the standard model.
Physics Letters B, 242(1):71--76, 1990.
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
On the parameter in b0 - b0 mixing.
Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements), 13(C):589--591,
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P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and N. Paver.
Role of single-particle contributions to the b0b0 mixing matrix
Physics Letters B, 222(2):293--297, 1989.
[ DOI ]
P. Colangelo and G. Nardulli.
B meson decays and kobayashi-maskawa matrix.
Physics Letters B, 220(1-2):265--269, 1989.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
A fresh look at the pole model of weak nonleptonic and radiative
hyperon decays.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 100(4):485--505, 1988.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, P. Chiappetta, and G. Nardulli.
Transverse polarization, resonance interference and quantum
Physics Letters B, 209(2-3):333--336, 1988.
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P. Cea, P. Colangelo, L. Cosmai, and G. Nardulli.
Decay constants of heavy mesons from a qcd relativistic potential
Physics Letters B, 206(4):691--695, 1988.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Effective fokker-planck equation and chiral anomaly.
Physics Letters B, 206(1):86--92, 1988.
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G. Nardulli.
Lambda n rho coupling and nonmesonic decay of heavy lambda
Physical Review C, 38(2):832--837, 1988.
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G. Nardulli.
Transverse spin effects and resonance interference in high-energy
inclusive reactions.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 187:99--104, 2008.
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P. Cea, P. Chiappetta, J.-Ph. Guillet, and G. Nardulli.
Hyperon polarization and final state interactions in high-energy
inclusive pn scattering.
Physics Letters B, 193(2-3):361--367, 1987.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
A pole model calculation of weak radiative hyperon decays.
Physics Letters B, 190(1-2):187--191, 1987.
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G. Nardulli.
Soft-pion s-wave amplitudes and negative-parity baryons in
nonleptonic hyperon decays.
Physical Review D, 35(9):2903--2906, 1987.
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G. Nardulli.
Improved calculation of the "penguin" interaction in k → ππ.
Physics Letters B, 168(1-2):120--126, 1986.
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W. Grimus and G. Nardulli.
Finite-temperature green's functions by stochastic quantization.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 91(4):384--397, 1986.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea and G. Nardulli.
Bound states and asymptotically free quarks.
Physical Review D, 34(6):1863--1870, 1986.
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G. Nardulli.
Long-distance contributions to the parity-violating pion-nucleon
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento Series 2, 42(7):335--340, 1985.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea and G. Nardulli.
An estimate of the long-distance dispersive contributions to the
kl-ks mass difference.
Physics Letters B, 152(3-4):251--255, 1985.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Long-range effects in the weak parity-violating pion-nucleon
Physical Review D, 31(9):2223--2229, 1985.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli, G. Preparata, and J. Soffer.
Spin effects in large-angle meson-baryon scattering.
Physical Review D, 31(3):626--629, 1985.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
One-particle contributions to k0k0 mixing.
Physics Letters B, 148(6):477--482, 1984.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli, G. Preparata, and J. Soffer.
Large-angle two-body reactions at high energy.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 83(4):361--388, 1984.
[ DOI ]
P. Chiappetta, J. Soffer, G. Nardulli, and E. Scrimieri.
Erratum to: Parity violation in high-energy inclusive reactions.
Il Nuovo Cimento A, 83(1):119, 1984.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea and G. Nardulli.
A realistic calculation of the electric dipole moment of the neutron
induced by strong cp violation.
Physics Letters B, 144(1-2):115--118, 1984.
[ DOI ]
P. Chiappetta, J. Soffer, G. Nardulli, and E. Scrimieri.
Parity violation in high-energy inclusive reactions.
Il Nuovo Cimento A Series 11, 81(3):608--616, 1984.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli and G. Preparata.
Do we understand parity violation in nucleon-nucleon interactions?
Physics Letters B, 137(1-2):111--116, 1984.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, P. Cea, G. Nardulli, and G. Paiano.
Partial-wave analysis of a relativistic coulomb problem.
Physical Review D, 29(11):2660--2663, 1984.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, G. Nardulli, and G. Paiano.
Wkb solutions to relativistic quarkonium model with the potential
v(r)=μ2r+βln r/r0.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 19(4):321--326,
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli, E. Scrimieri, and J. Soffer.
Parity violations in pp and anti-p p scattering at plab≳1.5 gev/c.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 16(3):259--262,
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, G. Paiano, and G. Preparata.
Confined quarks and the weinberg sum rules.
Physics Letters B, 128(3-4):225--228, 1983.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli, G. Preparata, E. Scrimieri, and J. Soffer.
Parity non-conservation in low energy nucleon-nucleon interaction.
Physics Letters B, 122(5-6):329--332, 1983.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli, G. Preparata, and D. Rotondi.
The physics of weak nonleptonic decays: k to pi pi.
Physical Review D, 27(3):557--569, 1983.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, G. Nardulli, and G. Paiano.
Semiclassical treatment of the schrödinger equation with
relativistic kinematics and singular potential.
Physical Review D, 28(9):2291--2296, 1983.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Parity violations in high-energy nucleon nucleon scattering.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 95:156--158, 1983.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli and G. Preparata.
Parity violation and strong interactions: Spin asymmetries in high
energy nucleon-nucleon scattering.
Physics Letters B, 117(6):445--448, 1982.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, P. Cea, P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Chirality and its breaking in a new theory of hadrons.
Physics Letters B, 115(6):487--490, 1982.
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Current-particle matrix elements in acd.
Physics Letters B, 115(4):310--312, 1982.
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P. Cea, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
On the value of r.
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 16(2):135--139,
[ DOI ]
P. Cea, P. Colangelo, G. Nardulli, G. Paiano, and G. Preparata.
Wkb approach to the schrödinger equation with relativistic
Physical Review D, 26(5):1157--1167, 1982.
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P. Castirna, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Deep inelastic scattering on a photon target in the massive quark
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 10(4):371,
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P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Scaling and its violations in deep inelastic phenomena.
La Rivista del Nuovo Cimento, 4(10):1--30, 1981.
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli and G. Preparata.
Calculating k→2π.
Physics Letters B, 104(5):399--402, 1981.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Massive lepton pair production in hadron-hadron collisions.
Nuclear Physics, Section B, 181(2):208--220, 1981.
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L. Angelini, P. Castorina, and G. Nardulli.
Final-state enhancement factor in z0, w± production due to quark
Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 30(12):379--383, 1981.
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P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Are quantum-chromodynamic scaling violations in deep-inelastic
lepton-hadron scattering really observed?
Physical Review Letters, 47(7):468--471, 1981.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Deep inelastic scattering on a photon target in the massive quark
Zeitschrift für Physik C Particles and Fields, 8(3):277--281,
[ DOI ]
G. Nardulli.
Study of the reaction vn → vpπ.
Lettere Al Nuovo Cimento Series 2, 28(16):533--537, 1980.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
On the deep-inelastic structure functions of π's and k's.
Physics Letters B, 93(3):291--294, 1980.
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G.L. Fogli and G. Nardulli.
Neutral current induced one-pion production. a new model and its
comparison with experiment.
Nuclear Physics, Section B, 165(1):162--184, 1980.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
Understanding deep inelastic scattering data.
Physics Letters B, 90(3):301--304, 1980.
[ DOI ]
P. Castorina, G. Nardulli, and G. Preparata.
A realistic description of deep inelastic structure functions.
Nuclear Physics, Section B, 163(C):333--348, 1980.
[ DOI ]
G.L. Fogli and G. Nardulli.
A new approach to the charged current induced weak one-pion
Nuclear Physics, Section B, 160(1):116--150, 1979.
[ DOI ]