The Women who run the biggest machine ever built by Man
The complexity of LHC and the women in charge of it

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... is researcher at the Physics Department of the University of Bari where she received her PHD. Since graduation, she participated in the study and development of the Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC), that have the primary function of identifying muon tracks in the CMS experiment. Although young, she was responsible for the construction and testing of all the CMS stations equipped with RPC. Since 2008 she is also responsible for RPC operation during LHC data taking.

"My friends are very impressed by the number of hours that I spend in the cavern: the sophisticated and technological cavern that houses CMS, one hundred meters under ground. I like very much to descend into the cavern. It is always very exciting for me to observe this enormous, complex and powerful jewel that contains more iron than the Eiffel Tower. However, I also love the sun, the sea and life in the out-of-doors".